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Give it a go… Just this once

Give it a go… Just this once
In this post:

For a lot of people, a big problem with getting into a regular training regime is beating that mental barrier of actually starting something. A perfect example would be New Years resolutions. How many of us start January off every year with those good intentions but by 1st February, 95% of us have already quit. If you happen to be a parent then you can add some more stress, as let’s be honest, our needs and wants come way down the list.

For some (not everyone though), no matter how much we would like to, committing to a 5 day a week, 12 week transformation, will be unrealistic, so telling yourself you can and will, may only end up setting yourself up for failure. What would be better would be to set realistic goals that are achievable and progress from there.

For most people that simply means telling yourself you will do something, once. No mental commitment to keep it going. You will go for a run, you will attend a class (btw we offer a weeks trial at Primal’s for only £10), or you will go to the local gym and lift some weights. It could be as simple as doing a 10-15 minute Kettlebell or bodyweight workout in the kitchen (keep an eye out as we are about to relaunch our live “10 minutes of training” throughout the coming weeks for ideas). Whatever it is you decide to do, just do it with the attitude of, if I like it, I will do it again, if I don’t, I won’t. Be open minded and willing to try multiple things until you find something that’s able to fit into your schedule.

Once you have found it, keep focusing on the principle of single workouts. Tell yourself “if I enjoyed it, I will do it again”. It is that simple. By only focusing on that one workout, without the added pressure of having to think about completing weeks and weeks of training, you may find that without realising it, you will soon find you have built habits and before you know it, regular training sessions becomes part of your life. Somedays it may be an hour, others 10-15 minutes, other days you may not get a session in. That’s fine, as long as you are doing more than you once where, you will improve.

So try it, commit to one single workout this week and if you like it, commit to another. If you don’t, find something else and give it a go. Let me know how you get on


Written by admin

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