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Full Body Dumbbell Workout for Women: 7 Effective Exercises

have fun with dumbbells'
In this post:

What if you could become stronger and feel better about yourself? 

Explore our guide to full-body dumbbell workouts for women. Discover seven exercises made just for you to boost your strength, confidence, and health. 

If you're new to exercise or already active, these workouts are designed for women like you. 

Leave limits behind and embrace feeling awesome.

Are you ready? Let's get stronger together!

Benefits of Dumbbell Workouts for Women

Dumbbell workouts aren't just for bodybuilders or gym buffs. 

They're super beneficial for women of all fitness levels. Let's talk about why:

Tone and Strengthen

Dumbbell exercises help tone and strengthen your muscles. 

When you lift those weights, you're giving your muscles a good workout, making them stronger and more defined.

Burn Calories

Using dumbbells during your workouts can help you burn more calories compared to just doing cardio alone. 

That means you can torch fat and build muscle at the same time.

Boost Metabolism

Strength training with dumbbells can boost your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. 

So even when you're chilling on the couch, your body is still working hard to keep you going.

Improve Bone Health

Lifting weights can also help improve bone health, which is super important, especially for women as they age. 

It can help prevent conditions like osteoporosis and keep your bones strong and healthy.

Enhance Functional Strength

Dumbbell exercises mimic real-life movements, like picking up groceries or lifting a heavy suitcase. 

So, by doing these exercises, you're not just getting stronger in the gym – you're also getting stronger for everyday tasks.

Increase Confidence

As you get stronger and see improvements in your fitness, it can boost your confidence. You'll feel more empowered knowing that you can lift heavier weights and tackle new challenges.


One of the best things about dumbbell workouts is that you can do them pretty much anywhere – at home, in the park, or at the gym. 

You don't need fancy equipment or a lot of space, making it super convenient to fit into your busy schedule.

Incorporating dumbbell exercises into your routine can make a big difference in your overall health and fitness. 

So grab those weights and get ready to feel stronger, fitter, and more confident than ever before!

And, don't forget to check out the strongest pre-workout UK to give your workouts an extra boost!

Here are seven effective exercises for a full-body dumbbell workout for women.

Exercise # 1 — Goblet Squats

Alright, let's kick things off with a powerful move: goblet squats. These are great for working your legs and core. Here's how to do them:

Stand Tall

Start by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell vertically against your chest with both hands, close to your body.

Lower Down

Now, slowly lower your body down into a squat position. Keep your chest up, back straight, and weight in your heels. Aim to get your thighs parallel to the ground if you can.

Power Up

Once you're down low, push through your heels to stand back up, squeezing your glutes at the top. That's one rep!


Do 10–12 reps of goblet squats, focusing on good form and control with each movement.

Goblet squats are awesome for:

Leg Strength

They target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to build strength and definition in your legs.

Core Stability

Holding the weight close to your chest engages your core muscles, giving them a solid workout too.

Functional Movement

Since squats mimic movements you do in everyday life (like sitting down and standing up), they help improve your overall functional fitness.

Exercise # 2 — Dumbbell Shoulder Press

orange dumbell

Let's pump up those shoulders with the dumbbell shoulder press. This move is perfect for building strength and definition in your upper body. Here's how to do it:

Get Set

Start by sitting on a bench or chair with your back straight and feet planted firmly on the ground. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing forward.

Push Up

Now, exhale as you press the dumbbells straight up overhead, fully extending your arms without locking your elbows. Keep your core engaged to stabilise your body.

Lower Down

Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells back down to shoulder height, maintaining control throughout the movement.


Aim for 10–12 reps of the dumbbell shoulder press, focusing on smooth, controlled movements.

This exercise offers some advantages, such as:

Shoulder Strength

It targets your deltoid muscles, helping to build strength and definition in your shoulders.

Arm Engagement

You'll also feel the burn in your triceps as they assist in pressing the weights overhead.


Balancing the weights engages your core and stabiliser muscles, improving overall stability and control.

Exercise # 3 — Romanian Deadlift

Get ready to strengthen those hamstrings and glutes with the Romanian deadlift! This exercise is a fantastic way to target the back of your legs and build a strong posterior chain. Here's how to do it:

Start Strong

Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs, palms facing your body.

Hinge at the Hips

Keeping your back flat and shoulders pulled back, slowly hinge at the hips and lower the dumbbells towards the ground. Keep a slight bend in your knees throughout the movement.

Feel the Stretch

Lower the dumbbells as far as you can while maintaining a flat back. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings.

Stand Tall

Engage your hamstrings and glutes as you push through your heels to stand back up, squeezing your butt at the top.


Aim for 10–12 reps of the Romanian deadlift, focusing on maintaining good form and feeling the burn in the back of your legs.

Let's explore the advantages. The Romanian deadlift offers some impressive benefits, including:

Hamstring Strength

It really targets those hamstrings, helping to build strength and definition in the back of your legs.

Glute Activation

You'll also feel your glutes firing up as you push through your heels to stand back up.

Lower Back Stability

Keeping your back flat throughout the movement helps to strengthen your lower back and improve overall stability.

Exercise # 4 — Dumbbell Lunge

woman on dumbell

Amp up those leg gains with the dumbbell lunge! This exercise is perfect for targeting your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, giving you strong, toned legs. Here's how to do it:

Stand Tall

Start by standing up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides, and feet hip-width apart.

Take a Step

Step forward with your right foot, lowering your body down until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your back knee is hovering just above the ground.

Push Back

Push through your right heel to stand back up and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, stepping forward with your left foot this time.

Alternate Legs

Continue alternating legs, lunging forward with each step, and keeping your chest up and core engaged throughout the movement.


Aim for 10–12 reps on each leg, focusing on controlled movements and feeling the burn in your legs.

The dumbbell lunge offers a range of benefits, including:

Leg Strength

It targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to build strength and definition in your legs.

Balance and Stability

Lunging requires coordination and balance, so it helps to improve stability and control.

Functional Movement

Since lunges mimic movements you do in everyday life (like walking and climbing stairs), they help improve your overall functional fitness.

Exercise # 5 — Dumbbell Plank Row

Time to fire up your core and strengthen your upper body with the dumbbell plank row! This exercise is a killer combo of core stability and arm strength. Here's how to do it:

Get in Position

Start in a high plank position with a dumbbell in each hand. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from head to heels.

Row It Up

Keeping your core tight and hips square to the ground, row the right dumbbell up towards your hip, keeping your elbow close to your body. Squeeze your shoulder blade at the top of the movement.

Lower Down

Slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the ground and repeat on the left side.

Alternate Sides

Continue alternating sides, rowing the dumbbells one at a time while maintaining a strong plank position.


Aim for 10–12 reps on each side, focusing on keeping your core engaged and hips stable throughout the movement.

Let's discuss the advantages of the dumbbell plank row:

Core Strength

Holding a plank position engages your entire core, while the rowing motion targets your back muscles and arms.

Upper Body Toning

You'll feel the burn in your back, shoulders, and arms as you row the dumbbells up.

Stability and Control

Balancing on one arm while rowing requires stability and control, helping to improve overall strength and coordination.

Exercise # 6 — Dumbbell Bench Press

Pump up those pecs with the dumbbell bench press! This classic exercise is perfect for building upper body strength and sculpting your chest and arms. Here's how to do it:

Get Set

Start by lying flat on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, and arms extended straight up over your chest.

Lower Down

Slowly lower the dumbbells towards your chest, keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle and your wrists straight. Aim to bring the dumbbells down until your elbows are just below parallel with the bench.

Press Up

Push through your palms to press the dumbbells back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms without locking your elbows.

Control the Movement

Keep your core engaged and your back flat against the bench throughout the movement, focusing on controlled, smooth motions.


Aim for 10–12 reps of the dumbbell bench press, focusing on good form and feeling the burn in your chest and arms.

Dumbbell bench press benefits are the following:

Chest Development

It targets your pectoral muscles, helping to build strength and definition in your chest.

Arm Engagement

You'll also feel the burn in your triceps as they assist in pressing the weights overhead.

Stability and Control

Balancing the weights engages your core and stabiliser muscles, improving overall stability and control.

Exercise # 7 — Dumbbell Russian Twist

2 girls enjoying with dumbell

Let's finish off our workout with a bang – the dumbbell Russian twist! This exercise is fantastic for targeting your obliques and strengthening your core. Here's how to do it:

Get Started

Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with both hands, arms extended in front of you.

Engage Your Core

Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your sit bones. Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the movement.

Twist It Out

Rotate your torso to the right, bringing the dumbbell towards the ground next to your hip. Keep your arms straight and shoulders relaxed.

Switch Sides

Twist your torso to the left, bringing the dumbbell towards the ground on the opposite side. Keep alternating sides, moving in a controlled, fluid motion.

Feel the Burn

You should feel your obliques working as you twist from side to side, engaging your core muscles and sculpting your waistline.


Aim for 10–12 reps on each side, or as many as you can comfortably manage while maintaining good form.

The benefits of dumbbell Russian twist are:

Oblique Strength

It targets your oblique muscles, helping to define and sculpt your waistline.

Core Stability

Balancing on your sit bones engages your core muscles, improving overall stability and control.

Rotational Power

This exercise mimics movements you do in sports and everyday life, helping to improve rotational power and agility.

Now that you're familiar with the seven effective exercises for a full-body dumbbell workout for women, let's address some frequently asked questions about the strongest pre-workout in the UK.

What is the strongest pre-workout available?

The strongest pre-workout available can differ from person to person, depending on factors like tolerance levels and individual preferences. 

Before choosing a pre-workout supplement, it's crucial to research and seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

What's the hardest hitting pre-workout?

Determining which pre-workout hits the hardest is subjective and can vary based on factors such as caffeine tolerance and ingredient sensitivity. 

When selecting a pre-workout supplement, it's essential to consider your specific needs and desired effects.

What is the best pre-workout UK?

Finding the best pre-workout in the UK involves considering various factors, including brand reputation, ingredients, and personal fitness goals. 

To identify the most suitable pre-workout supplement, it's recommended to explore different options, read reviews, and seek advice from fitness experts.

Can I take 400mg caffeine pre-workout?

While certain pre-workout supplements may contain 400mg of caffeine or more, it's important to exercise caution when consuming high doses of caffeine. 

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to adverse effects such as jitteriness, rapid heart rate, and difficulty sleeping. 

Before using any pre-workout supplement, it's advisable to follow dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional.

Empower Your Fitness

We've covered seven effective exercises for a full-body dumbbell workout tailored specifically for women. 

These exercises offer a comprehensive approach to strength training, targeting various muscle groups and promoting overall fitness and health.

At Primal Strength & Movement, we believe in empowering individuals in their 40s and beyond to move better, feel better, and look better. 

Our approach challenges traditional fitness industry beliefs by focusing on personalised training methods that prioritise longevity and overall well-being.

Incorporating strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and mobility exercises into your routines, you can become stronger, fitter, and more capable of moving freely. 

Primal Strength & Movement offers a supportive environment where individuals can achieve their health and fitness goals while defying age-related stereotypes and limitations.

So whether you're looking to build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, or enhance mobility, we provide the resources and guidance needed to thrive at any age. 

Start your journey to a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant life today.

Written by Pól Murray

Pól Murray boasts 15 years of coaching experience, with a decade dedicated to Strength and Movement. His journey started as a professional MMA fighter, evolving into a respected coach, notably guiding Ireland's first UFC fighter. Pól holds a wealth of qualifications from kettlebell and barbell instruction to suspension and resistance training. He emphasises that true expertise is a journey of continuous learning, investing significantly in education from renowned coaches and organisations. Pól simplifies fitness for everyone, believing it's about moving, feeling, and looking better. His lifelong dedication to well-being ensures those he guides achieve their best.

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