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Circuits…. Yes or No? Part 3

Circuits…. Yes or No Part 3
In this post:

In the third part of his blog I look at Small and Large Group Training.

For me, the best option for both the coach and client is Small Group Training (SGT). This involves a group of usually between 4-6 people getting coached at the same time by a trainer. As there are a group of people in at one time, the cost of the coaching is usually signifficantly cheaper than PT, while the trainer gets a better return per hour as well as allowing them to dedicate time they would have been working IN their business and instead work ON it! The program you follow will be specific to your needs and unlike PT, the group setting also adds owenership. When training in a 1:1 setting, if you dont turn up, the only person you are letting down is yourself, in SGT you are letting down others who relay on you.


Quality coaching: In order for SGT to run well, you need to be sure your coach is experienced enough to be able to handle coaching in a group setting. Different personalities calls for the ability to adapt coaching methods. One shoe does not fit all and it takes time to build these skills.

Tailored program: SGT is the closest thing you can do to personal training. Your goals are taken into consideration in the design of the program.

Cost: The main benefit of SGT is the value. Knowledge and exerience is something you cannot put a value on. Experienced basically means they have made the mistakes and if they have built a reputation as a quality coach, it means they have learnt from them. IMO you are better paying an experienced and respected coach for SGT than paying a bit less for a beginner coach who is still learning the ropes.

Attention: You get a lot of 1:1 attention meaning mistakes can be quickly corrected and programs adjusted to your ability as needed.

Groups: You are less likely to skip training as you build a repore with your team members.


Times: You are confined to set times that may not always suit you.

Attention: Although I included this as a pro it can also be a negative. You do have to share the coach with other people.

Large Group Training (LGT) is a step down from SGT but still leaps ahead of circuits. It usually consists of a simplified program that everyone adapts to their own abilites. These group sessions can vary in number from 10 up to 20 people. What differentiates LGT and circuits is the structure it follows. Circuits are a selection of exercises, usually done for time. You come in, get it done, then leave. The next time it could be a different exercises or format. LGT, although loosely based, still follows a program. The exercises remain the same, focusing on increasing reps, sets, tempo, intensity etc. Results are recorded, meaning over time, you can track your progress. Like SGT, there is also the advantage of a community building within the group, encouraging and bringing each other along.


Cost: Low cost and value for money. It will cost more than a circuit membership but the results you will get will certainly eclipse a circuit class.

Programmed session: While it won’t be tailored to your specific goals, it will increase strength and conditioning and in a shorter period of time than circuits.

Coaching: The level of attention won’t be as good as SGT, especially in a larger group BUT with an experienced coach you can relay on being shown “nuggets of gold” that will make a massive difference to your gains.

Groups: This is actually better than SGT. With larger numbers comes a multitude of personalities. You will find yourself gravitating toward like minded members and building friendships with group members.


Times: You are restricted to the times the facility/coach decides on

Attention: You are sharing a coach with a larger group of people so 1:1 time will be limited

Program: A good LGT program will change every 12-16 weeks. Some of these may not be as appealing to you or focus on the goals you are wanting.

So there you have it. A complete breakdown of options available to you. If you are serious about improving then I would recommend finding a quality class that suits your budget. These options may cost more than a Globo gym membership that includes a multitude of classes but like I have explained, a private training facility with experienced, quality coaches will deliver the results you are wanting in a much faster time frame. So although the monthly outlay may be more, the length of time to achieve the results will be much faster and lat longer.Pól

Written by admin

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